
DB2 SQL-Error: -736

SQLState: 53014


An invalid OBID value was given on the CREATE statement. The OBID is invalid for one of the following reasons: v The specified OBID does not fall within the acceptable range for OBIDs, which is 1 to 32767. v The specified OBID is already in use for the given database.System action: The statement cannot be executed. Programmer response: Verify that the given OBID is a valid value for an OBID. If so, ensure that the OBID is correct for the object to be created, then query the catalog to find the object that is already defined as having the same OBID in the database. If an invalid OBID was given for the object to be created, correct the statement and execute it again. If the existing object is in error, then DROP and CREATE that object using the correct OBID value. It is possible that the OBID “in use” is the OBID for an object that had been previously dropped. If that is the case, and the CREATE was issued for a table in a non-ROSHARE READ database, then select a different OBID for use in the OBID clause. If the object had been previously dropped and the CREATE was issued for a table in a ROSHARE READ database, COMMIT and re-submit the CREATE TABLE request.